ar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 06 18 3 v 1 1 6 Ju n 20 01 Single chargino production with R - parity lepton number violation in photon - photon collisions
We examine the process γγ → χ̃+τ− at photon-photon collider in the minimal supersymmetric standard model(MSSM) with R-parity violation, where all the oneloop diagrams are considered. We mainly discuss the effects of bilinear breaking terms, and conclude that their contributions may be important compared with trilinear terms. Our results show that the events of this process could be detectable at photon-photon colliders, if the values of the parameters are favorable. PACS: 11.30.Er, 12.60.Jv, 14.80.Ly Key word: R-parity violation, single chargino production, lepton number violation, photon-photon collision
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